IMEI1: 351591113028172
IMEI2: 351592113028170
Serial Number: RF8MA2RYP2Y
DO Number: 8493426426(C4B0-1C)
Manufacturer: Samsung Electronics Vietnam (SEV), Bac Ninh City
Model Number: SM-N975FZSDROM
Model Name: SM-N975F/DS
Model Desc: Galaxy Note 10+
Production Date: 24 October 2019
Warranty Until: 24 October 2020
Warranty Status: Warranty Expired
Carrier: Open Romania
Sold By Country: Austria
Ship To Country: Romania
Sold Date: 31 October 2019
Ship Date: 06 November 2019
Blacklist Status: CLEAN
Low risk – The phone is verified to be free of any restrictions, with no reports of loss, theft, or carrier-related debt. Knox or MDM are not active.
Risc Moderat – Există indicii că telefonul ar putea avea anumite probleme minore, cum ar fi un contract incomplet achitat, lipsa clarificărilor privind deținătorul anterior, blocat intr-o anumită rețea.
Risc Ridicat – Telefonul este raportat furat, pierdut, blocat pentru neplată, are activat MDM sau KNOX, sau are alte probleme juridice și tehnice care pot conduce la imposibilitatea utilizării.
These ratings provide an overview of the level of safety associated with purchasing a second-hand phone, but do not completely eliminate the possibility of future problems. The report issued by only reflects the current state of the checked device and has a strictly informative role, highlighting possible risks. However, it does not guarantee that the phone will not encounter blockages or other difficulties later.
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